Where do we begin to summarize this past year of 2021? I will include some of our annual Christmas news to help wrap up this year of continued COVID, Delta variant and most recently the Omicron variant. We are fortunate that vaccines have come into play although there continue to be nay-sayers and conspiracy theorists – but what ever. I am happily vaccinated with 2 Pfizer shots and a Moderna booster. This virus continues to spread and take lives. Something that can prevent death yet people making the choice not to get the vaccine and then ending up in hospital and sadly dying. We each make our own choices. By not getting the vaccine you are playing Russian roulette in my mind.
This as been a year of extremes here in BC – be it COVID numbers climbing, forest fires, heat dome in the summer, November storms and massive flooding and transportation routes shut down due to roads being washed out, and snow in December however not as extreme as years gone by (1996). We are fortunate that we have not been adversely affected by any of the fore mentioned aside from shortages of products in the grocery stores so I just altered the plans. The heat was rather intense and I stayed in the pool as much as I could.
Sadly a dear friend passed away in early November following a surgical procedure. Dee was a friend from 1980 when I first started working at Imperial Optical. We spent many fun times together over the years, always with much love and laughter. Dee’s laugh was infectious and genuine, she smile could be seen across a room, her heart was generous and always kind. She was also known as the Queen of Halloween, the celebration of the year that made her giddy with decorations. I will truly miss you my friend and know that you are with your Mom and Dad. I’m sure you will remind us each Halloween that you are not far away. You will live on in my heart and wonderful memories.
We are happy to report that hubby’s health is back on track, His recent tests have all been clear! YEAH! He is also settled onto a new RA medication that hasn’t caused a reaction as the previous one did that caused him to drop 27 lbs.
My man got out a few times on the bikes to enjoy the glorious sunny days. The van is still a work in progress and we are hoping to get her a new paint job in the spring. Jobs around the house continue. We had to get some trees removed so we now have a very hefty wood supply to get us through the cold damp days. The woodstove certainly makes things toasty and cozy.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to our rescue Boxmas, Gibbs early in the year as there was a serious bite incident. We miss him a great deal. Kona was out of sorts for a while however is now more vocal and demanding than ever before. She is now 7 and doing well with hubby working from home for CRA.
As for myself, I had a lump & duct removed from my right boob in the fall with pathology coming back benign – big sigh of relief. I continue my advocacy with Union and Association activities. I remain working at Victoria Hospice and have the honour of being there for my patients and family during the intimate and personal journey of end of life care. It continues to be very challenging under the current circumstances with so many restrictions and ever-changing rules to keep patients, family and staff safe.
The pets, Kona, Capt Jack and Rizzo all remain healthy and well. They are happy to have Rob home more.
Adam continues to enjoying his job working at home with Kanopi Studios based in San Francisco. Exciting news that he purchased a 2 bedroom condo in spring 2021. It’s a great location and building. He is very happy to have a place to call his own. He and his son got a way a few times this summer for up island camping. Our grandson is now 12, in middle school & Grade 7 which he is really enjoying. He is getting taller each time we see him. He enjoys swimming and of course computers, math and PlayStation. Lincoln the kitten has been a welcome addition to their home.
from the McFlaileys! 2021 has been an eventful year for the McFlailey household, bringing both joy and tears. In April, the day before his and Nicole’s shared birthday, we had to say goodbye to our bestest buddy Mewstard, who developed a rare, terminal cancer in his throat. He spent his final days doing everything he loved best, from cuddling with his people to adventuring outside, and we greatly miss our handsome guy. He lived for 14 glorious, cuddly years. Pickle Noodles misses him and is doing her best to come out of her shell a little more and allow us more kitty snuggles with her. She celebrates her birthday with Bryan on December 11th, turning 8 years old! Albert the Chinchilla celebrated his 9th birthday this summer and we celebrated by adding a ‘penthouse’ third level to his double-ferret nation cage. His domain is not 6 ft high! He’s struggled a bit this year with dry feet cracking but is otherwise doing well and full of attitude. You can enjoy pics of the furbabies on Instagram @PickleNoodlesInc .
We celebrated our 15-Year Anniversary in March and look forward to celebrating next year by (hopefully!) taking our pandemic-delayed Nerd Pilgrimage to South Korea! We were also able to visit our friends and loved ones in BC this summer and hope to be able to see everyone again in 2022!
Bryan began his PhD program in Astrophysics at Western University in January and is really enjoying it. His research focuses on machine learning and its applications for astrophysics and data analysis. He is also working as a Lab Instructor and Teaching Assistant for undergraduate physics and astronomy courses at Western, as well as working on turning his Master’s research into an academic journal article for publication.
Nicole enjoyed teaching earlier in the year and is now working full-time as a Research Associate at the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children at Western University. In this role, she has worked on a multitude of different projects, two of which had public reports published this year. She’s been involved in developing the University’s gender-based and sexual violence education and prevention training and will be facilitating in-person training sessions in the new year while she continues to work on different research projects. One more exciting development for Nicole: the academic journal article she has been working on is going to be published in 2022!
The Savages. The big news is the arrival of Miss Abigail Lynne, born October 4th 2021, at 8:16 PM at home. This was a planned homebirth and was amazing. We were happy that whole family was there for this safe, quick arrival. We also started a shaved-ice business and Asher was busy over the summer setting up the trailer at local beaches and parks. I am enjoying being at home on maternity leave with the kidlets. Benjamin is enjoying school and grade 2. Eli is in pre-school twice a week and finally liking going to school. Ezekiel is a busy boy with potty training along with stringing more words together and making sentences. Miss Abigail is finding her voice with new sounds each day. Asher has just started full-time working from home with CRA. He is currently in training and so far, enjoying it.
Brittany & Cam continue to do well. Exciting news is Cam completed his final steps and is now a Red Seal Journeyman Millwright! He has just been promoted to Jr Charge Hand of day & night shifts! This is great news for him. Sadly he lost his Grampa this fall so was able to Revelstoke between school days to support his family. Brittany continues her work shaping young minds at Tune Towne. She is also doing Nanny-work on the side which she very much enjoys. They welcomed a new rescue kitty into their home, Snicker Doodles who is adapting to life with Moochie. While Snickers is very timid, she is learning that couch snuggles and pets are a good thing. Cam and Britt travelled to Revelstoke this Christmas and will be back home for New Years– weather and roads permitting.
This summer allowed for some traveling. We were able to visit with Nicole who flew out and then a week later Bryan came to visit for the day while he stayed in Vancouver with his family. Small poolside gatherings were enjoyed, bbq’s and loving the outdoors. We experienced some crazy heat waves this year and were thankful for the pool. Rob’s brother Dave remained in Twisp, Washington with his daughter for the summer and winter.
Both of my parents are doing well. They are staying safe in their bubble. Dad works in the house shop creating little wooden treasures to share and Mom enjoys her computer Mahjong and reading her Harlequins. She had a fall this month however all is well aside from the pride.
Sewing kept me busy this year with pj’s and lounge pants for the grandsons. I continue to create masks for friends and family. Now to get back to my piano and guitar!
My lilies were once again amazing this year and the garden was terrific. Being able to make homemade Tomato-Basil soup in the fall was a plus along with salsa with garden grown produce.
Rob and I are looking forward to our Alaska cruise that we have booked for late August 2022. As it will be our 40th wedding anniversary and my 60th birthday, this is a trip we have planned for a long time and fingers crossed it materializes.
As we all face challenges in 2021, we draw on the strength of our family and friends who support us during these times. It has certainly been another year for the record books.
As for 2022, we are wishing good health to all. May you be surrounded by those who are important to you and make you smile. We hope 2021 held fond memories good health and happy times.
Here’s to 2022 – Be safe, take care, wash your hands, social distance and wear a mask! May 2022 be filled with much joy, love, laughter, good health and kindness. And I promise to update more often in 2022 🙂