Christmas Quotes

C-hrist gave H-imself as a R-eward so that I-ndividual know the S-acrifices

T-hat he did for M-ankind to A-chieve the gift of S-alvation. Merry CHRISTMAS!


It is the season of the year that most, if not all of us, try to become better,

if only to show that we care at least once a year.

Here is hoping that we have a Christmas heart every day.


May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, The gladness of Christmas give you hope,

The warmth of Christmas grant you love. – Author Unknown


May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others.

Have a pleasant day. Merry Christmas.


After all the gifts have opened and all the foods tasted, the REAL GIFTS remain: GOD, FAMILY and FRIENDS!

All the very best for a merry Christmas and healthy and Happy New Year.