Here we are, starting December. There seems to be lots to do as we continue to unpack, sort, donate, move furniture, rearrange and then toss in working and getting ready for the holidays.
Then comes the sudden death of yet another loved one. My beloved Uncle passed away last weekend. He was only 67, 5 yrs my senior. It seems our family is in a continuous world of grief, sorrow and loss this year.
My brother-in-law Dave, passed in January, our son-in-law in May and now my Uncle Tommy in November. Add into that 2 riding friends, Ed and Adam, and another friend, Raymond. That’s a lot in my mind.
We continue with our daily living but it’s like you are in a fog or cloud. You forget things, you cry, you are numb. Colours aren’t as bright, your focus isn’t as sharp. Grief, mourning, sadness. The memories, the love and laughter, all those things are safe and tucked away in my heart, where I can access them anytime I wish. Those are always with me and speaking of them, reminds us that our loved ones and friends continue to live on. A smell, a sound, the sparkle of star let’s me know your spirit remains close by. I’m thankful and grateful for your life, for the love, kindness, humour and so much more that your shared.
May you find peace as you read this, remembering those who have gone before us. Know that you are loved.