2021 Summary and more
Where do we begin to summarize this past year of 2021? I will include some of our annual Christmas news to help wrap up this year of continued COVID, Delta variant and most recently...
Where do we begin to summarize this past year of 2021? I will include some of our annual Christmas news to help wrap up this year of continued COVID, Delta variant and most recently...
Rushing here, rushing there, when does it stop? When do you take a moment to enjoy this season of Christmas? When do you pause? Take a breath and enjoy? Christmas advertising begins far to early...
Christmas……family……friends New Year……more family…….baby shower……..more friends………laughter…….. 4 healthy children………blessed us with 2 health beautiful grandsons……. I am truly blessed and thankful with a smiling heart
December – just knowing it’s over the next calendar page can cause anxiety for some and excitement for others. The kiddies get that glint in their eyes and the adults often hesitate to embrace...