September 1st 2020? Really? How the hell did that happen? It’s been over a year since I’ve blogged. I’ve kept up my personal journal however not online due to a variety of reasons including website/server issues.
Since then there has been another cancer diagnosis and surgery. And most recently another surgery however with a benign result, however as insurance, immuno-chemo therapy will start this month for 6 weekly treatments. I have consulted with my oncology peeps and they agree this is a good bit of insurance after having 2 positive cancer result.
We also were given the news last spring that a family member had ALS – that knocked everyone in the gut. We had a trip to the East Coast to visit longtime friends and Toronto for Convocation. We extended our trip for family time. We had a wonderful visit however we left with heavy hearts knowing when the next visit would be. Sadly in September 2019 we lost him to ALS and the same day I lost my Uncle to pancreatic cancer. Travel to Ontario for one service and then to Alberta for another to support my Dad with the loss of his brother. WOW talk about shyt storm.
On a smiley note, we welcomed a 4th grandson in June 2019. I was blessed to be at the bedside when he arrived.
Eldest daughter and partner purchased their first home in Ontario August 2019 which we got to stay in when we traveled for the funeral. Middle daughter moved into their first home in April of 2020 which went well.
We redid our deck and having been enjoying the pool and outside. Riding when we can. Working from home is a new thing along with jobs shifting to new areas.
COVID – what does one say about this disease with a potential to kill and has killed many? Nothing has been the same since mid March 2020 with numbers climbing around the world. We wear masks, keep washing hands, physical/social distancing……. Strange and scary times we live in right now. No gatherings over 50, keeping 6 feet away from people. Government supporting people with income assistance. Is there an end in sight? Not yet. Vaccines are being worked on around the world. We will do our best to stay safe and healthy. Stores closed, businesses closed – things have changed drastically and together we are trying to move forward.
I am now in a permanent position at Hospice. Changes are happening there too with shifting acute beds to the main hospital and opening up more EOL beds – 18 in total at Hospice. New routines, new challenges, all in such uncertain times of masks, no hugz or closeness to those not in our circle/bubble.
What I do know in all this is we have each other. We continue to support those around us. We continue to be kind and caring. We look forward to a future when COVID doesn’t occupy our life and how we live.
In closing, be safe and kind, you never know what someone may be going through.