Time to Pause
Rushing here, rushing there, when does it stop? When do you take a moment to enjoy this season of Christmas? When do you pause? Take a breath and enjoy? Christmas advertising begins far to early...
Rushing here, rushing there, when does it stop? When do you take a moment to enjoy this season of Christmas? When do you pause? Take a breath and enjoy? Christmas advertising begins far to early...
Not mine – but I truly wish you enough as we move into a New Year, new beginnings, new endings, new love, new joy, new sorrows, new learning – new adventures. I wish you...
C-hrist gave H-imself as a R-eward so that I-ndividual know the S-acrifices T-hat he did for M-ankind to A-chieve the gift of S-alvation. Merry CHRISTMAS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is the season of the year that...