Category: Randomness

Change is a Foot

Change – happens by choice or not, regardless it happens. You can fight it, or embrace it. Sometimes it is one step forward and two steps back, other times it seems full steam ahead....

Here We Are Again

Here we are again – twenty twenty-four – two, zero, two, four. Hard to believe in some ways yet easy in others. Days slip into nights, which slip back into days and then into...


to subject to incapacitating emotional or mental stress Sounds pretty simple, right? Just relax, let go, don’t sweat it however it is not that basic or easy. The mind that won’t shut down, the...

And that’s a wrap

I guess we could all say “what the hell was that year about”? COVID-19 became a new word that translated the same around the world – wear a face mask, wash your hands, don’t...

Livin’ and Lovin

Here it is nearly the end of July – how did that happen and when did that happen? I can’t believe it. Our grandson entered the world May 1st – all went well with...

Fall in the Air

Time to catch up with a busy few months behind us. Shortly after my last blog entry, my dear beloved sister in law died in the States. One minute she was doing much better...

Because We Can

June 1st – I look around and ask myself just where did the first 6 months of the year go? How did this 6 months pass so quickly? I keep saying to myself I...


Your circle is small, Your criteria narrow, You don’t look up or beyond at others, You just snicker, laugh or glare. You pretend you are interested, You pretend that you care, Yet you walk...

Egg Donation

  I had honestly never thought much about this. I know that guys can do their deed in a plastic cup for semen but the process for egg retrieval for the woman is much...