Category: Friends

Because We Can

June 1st – I look around and ask myself just where did the first 6 months of the year go? How did this 6 months pass so quickly? I keep saying to myself I...

New Year 2016

Pause, breath and look ahead. Reflect on the past – what worked, what went well, what didn’t and to let go because you can’t go back. You can however move forward in 2016 –...

Time to Pause

Rushing here, rushing there, when does it stop? When do you take a moment to enjoy this season of Christmas? When do you pause? Take a breath and enjoy?  Christmas advertising begins far to early...


Your circle is small, Your criteria narrow, You don’t look up or beyond at others, You just snicker, laugh or glare. You pretend you are interested, You pretend that you care, Yet you walk...

Sad & Mad

I recently lost a friend to suicide. My friend attempted previously , sharing with me the details, including pictures. I offered support, continued unconditionally. We would talk on the phone, text, email, Facebook, Twitter...

Heart Smile

Christmas……family……friends New Year……more family…….baby shower……..more friends………laughter…….. 4 healthy children………blessed us with 2 health beautiful grandsons……. I am truly blessed and thankful with a smiling heart    

New What?

As I start to type this I can not help but ask myself about the new year. Many celebrate with parties, events and activities – Polar Bear Swim, resolutions of fitness and change –...


The blog was down for a while but I am delighted things are back up and running. I will be posting an update VERY soon. Quick news – grandbaby #2 is in the process...

I Wish You Enough

Not mine – but I truly wish you enough as we move into a New Year, new beginnings, new endings, new love, new joy, new sorrows, new learning – new adventures. I wish you...

Countdown of December

December – just knowing it’s over the next calendar page can cause anxiety for some and excitement for others. The kiddies get that glint in their eyes and the adults often hesitate to embrace...